NA Meetings

Recent NA Meetings

Freedom & Unity

Janapremi World School, Kaushaltar,Bhaktapur Monday 5:00 pm View locations

NA Serenity

KMC Hospital Wednesday 6:00 PM View locations

12 Steps

Shanti Nikunja Madhyamik Bidhyalaya' Maruhiti, Bhagwatibari Thursday 5:00 Pm View locations

Be here & Now

Gyaneshwor Church Sunday 6:00 PM View locations

What happens in NA Meetings ?

"If you're planning to go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting for the first time, it might be nice to know what to expect. The information in this section is meant to give you an understanding of what happens in our meetings. The words we use and the way we act might be unfamiliar to you at first, but hopefully this information can help you get the most out of your first NA meeting. If you show up early, leave late, and ask lots of questions before and after the meeting, you'll probably get the most out of every meeting you attend...

...People have all sorts of reasons for attending NA meetings, but the reason for each meeting is to give NA members a place to share recovery with other addicts. If you are not an addict, look for an open meeting, which welcomes non-addicts If you're an addict or think you might have a drug problem, we suggest a meeting every day for at least ninety days to get to know NA members and our program..."

(excerpts from the Service Pamphlet, "An Introduction to NA Meetings") NA literature is also a great source of information about our program. Our Basic Text, Narcotics Anonymous, or our information pamphlets (IPs) are a good place to start. Most meetings offer IPs for free, while books are generally sold at the group's cost. Most of our literature is also available to read on this website.

To begin, we invite you to read IP #22, "Welcome to NA". Please come to our meetings and "Keep Coming Back!"


+977 9843081000, 19369


NA Kathmandu Area Service Committee(ASC) Office, balkumari, Near Buddha statue, Kathmandu, Nepal.


© 2017 | Narcotics Anonymous Kathmandu Area