
- RCM 1

- +9779818466816

Regional Committee Members (RCMs)


Regional committee members are just that: They serve as the core of the regional service

Committee, a body that coordinates service forums throughout the region, is responsible for the regional convention, and conducts the regional assembly. The regional committee also serves year ‘round as a contact point between NA world and local services. Detailed information on the services provided by regional committees can be found later in the guide for local services.

RCMs keep their areas in touch with the larger world of NA by providing information on activities in neighboring areas, functions being sponsored by the regional committee, reports relevant to subcommittee affairs, and important issues being discussed at various levels of service.

Both the region and its areas depend on RCMs to be well-versed in NA service practices and principles. RCMs should be closely acquainted with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts, the fundamentals of service in our fellowship. Familiarity with all published service manuals and bulletins puts the resources of the whole fellowship at the RCM’s fingertips.

RCMs should carefully study the reports from their own areas’ groups, officers, and subcommittee chairs so that they can pass their areas’ experience on to others at the regional meeting. RCMs will be more effective contacts between their areas and the regional committee if they take time to talk personally with other participants in their area committees. That way, they can gat a better idea of what needs and concerns the regional committee should address.

Regional committee members serve two-year terms. Most areas have two RCMs serving at any one time, one elected in odd-numbered years and the other in even years. This helps regional committees maintain a balance between experienced members and those just learning the ropes. It also insures that a regional committee serving only three or four areas will have enough members to be able to do its work.



+977 9843081000, 19369


NA Kathmandu Area Service Committee(ASC) Office, balkumari, Near Buddha statue, Kathmandu, Nepal.



© 2017 | Narcotics Anonymous Kathmandu Area